
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

WR 06

  ALBA: Hello Sara. What 's up? SARA: I have just had another argument with my sister. ALBA: Oh, poor thing. What was it about this time? Sara: She lost her headphones and she says that I lost them. And she doesn´t believe me.  ALBA: Really? And what are you going to do? SARA:How about buying her some new headphones to calm her down? ALBA: That’s a great idea. Is there anything I can do to help? SARA: No, I'm just waiting for her to come. SARA: You think that I need to worry? ALBA: You don't need to worry, because you are not to blame. SARA:  Thank you for your advice. ALBA: You´re welcome! SARA: I don´t know what i´d do without you!

WR 05

  Hi, I'm writing to thank you for your advice about my first week at university. It was my first week at university and, as you know, I’m going to do the same studies as you. I felt very lost at first and nervous, but I'm getting better every time. This university is huge, and the work here is harder than high school. I found some subjects very confusing, but it is normal in the first week, I guess. Making friends wasn't easy for me, because I’m very shy, but little by little I’m meeting more people. So thanks again. I don’t know what I’d do without you! Kisses. Sara   

WR 02 Differeneces between now and my first year at high school.

From  the first year in secondary school to this year there are a lot of things that have changed. The first year of high school was weird and cool at the same time. The first year I used to study the day before the exam and it worked for me. But now that doesn't work because I have to study a little every day because now everything is more difficult. The first year the teachers didn't use to give us a lot of homework. Before I used to spend the majority of time watching films or with my friends, and now i don't do this very often.  I've never worn a uniform. What hasn't changed is that I keep going to high school on a bus like the first year


Time goes so fast, it's already autumn. October is one of my favorite months because it's cold in the morning, you have to put your summer clothes away and I like that a lot. When I heard that Donald Trump had caught the coronavirus, it wasn't surprised because he didn't wear the mask and he hadn´t respected the safety regulations to avoid the covid, he seems to me to be a very ignorant and disrespectful person and more being the president of one of the countries with the most infections due to coronavirus.